When an unexpected illness, medical emergency or loss happens, the PAT Fund is there for you.
It’s Okay to Ask for Help.
If you need assistance or know of a musician in need, please contact us or fill out an application. We honor Pat and his heart of gold each time we help a fellow musician and their family. All applications are completely confidential. See guidelines below.
PAT Fund Basics:
Mission: To offer modest financial aid in a timely and practical manner to deserving area musicians (or their immediate survivors)
Range of Assistance: Up to $500.00
Types of Assistance:
Medical/RX due to illness/accident
Emergency needs
Burial/final expenses
Applicant Eligibility:
· Must be/have been an active professional in the music industry or an immediate survivor in the Wichita/So. Central Kansas area. An application must be submitted to the PAT Fund board requesting assistance for a specific and verifiable need (please provide proof of services).
Timetable for Assistance: Approximately 2-3 weeks
· Application will be handled in keeping with the urgency of the situation.
· Applicants (approved or denied) will be notified immediately by the PAT Fund Chairperson, regarding the Board’s decision.
Guidelines for Assistance:
· Maximum allowable assistance is $500 within a given year and a maximum of $1000 over 3 years.
· The PAT Fund does not pay rent or utilities. A medical or funeral home billing invoice with the applicants name shall be submitted and funds will be sent via certified mail within two days of approval to an existing medical/funeral account in the applicant’s name.
· If special circumstances exist, a request to review can be sent to the Board of Directors for review.
· All applications and personal information submitted to the PAT Fund Committee will be held in strict confidence by the The PAT Fund, and will not be made public nor shall be shared with any outside organization or group without the applicant’s permission.
to apply:
Click on the button in the header above or below to download an application.
Once completed, you can scan and email to: patfund04@gmail.com
Or mail to:
PAT Fund
P.O. Box 8476 - Munger Station
Wichita, KS 67208